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  • Suusareisi ABC

    Garmen Heinsalu (Mainor Traveli suusareiside juht) ja Krista Esta (Mainor Traveli tegevjuht)

    Suusareis pakub hoopis teistlaadse kogemuse kui talvine rannapuhkus. Mägede õhk, päike, laiad lõputud suusanõlvad, eriline tunne, mida saab kogeda vaid ülalpool pilvi mäetipus olles. Muidugi ka meeleolukas after-ski, millest kõik suusareisilt tulnud õhinal räägivad.

  • Mexico Travel Morning

    Tiiu Oga

    On the 24th of November, a thematic morning session dedicated to Mexico gathered travel enthusiasts in Rahva Raamat at Viru Keskus shopping centre. Doris Kristina Raave, author of the bold and overwhelmingly honest book “My Mexico”, and Kaire Saadi, Sales Director at Estravel, who repeatedly traveled to Mexico, shared their experiences with the audience. Travel stories were moderated by Terje Toomistu, an anthropologist, passionate traveler and author of the travel novel “Seven Worlds” and the film “Soviet Hippies”.